Saturday, July 16, 2011

Called Mary Ann Van O. to invite her for dinner, but she had a prior. Jack B. stopped in; haven't seen him in an age and we had a nice chat. Puttered around some--I should have been pulling weeds--then went to the cemetery after lunch.
It's been months since I've been there and I should feel ashamed for neglecting Pat's grave, but I don't--well, not a lot. I pulled the weeds that had grown up, gave the azaleas three jugs of water each, and generally tidied up. The hens 'n' chickens are dwindling, I'm afraid, but a few parts were still there. Must try to figure out what, if anything, to plant that's really hardy. Will not resort to artificial. Checked Jay's grave, but his seems okay; heart stones still there.
The guy from the Northfield theatre company was supposed to call me last night, but didn't. Will call Dodie again today.
Other than that, nothing going on. Leaving for the FilmFest in Atlantic Highlands late today.
WIDER: From Common Dreams.Org, this story:
Former CIA legal head, John Rizzo is being charged with murder for signing off on drone attacks in Pakistan. Here's a bit from the story:
"The warrant will be sought on the basis of two test cases. The first centres on an incident on 7 September 2009 when a drone strike hit a compound during Ramadan, brought by a man named Sadaullah who lost both his legs and three relatives in the attack. The second complaint was brought by Kareem Khan over a strike on 31 December 2009 in the village of Machi Khel in North Waziristan which killed his son and brother."
This is important, but don't hold your breath until Rizzo is found guilty, complicit, or anything but pure as the driven snow. That would suggest there's something wrong with sending deadly weapons to another country to kill and, remember, without the slightest chance of self-defense for those being killed.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...