Friday, July 01, 2011

Usually blog in the morning, but won't have time tomorrow. Went with Larry to the gym and did the treadmill. It felt great to be back in the swing of exercise and I love the "Life Fitness" machine. It displays time, distance, calories burned, and heart rate, and allows you to adjust for speed and incline. I went three miles in an hour, at a speed of 3.3 and incline of 6.5. Burned 400 and some calories and elevated heart rate from 120 to 137.
Before we left, I said a heartfelt goodbye and fervent thanks to my dear sister-in-law. She was off with daughter Elaine and her family to Jacksonville to celebrate several birthdays at daughter Jeanne's. What a gem she is.
Showered, packed as much a I could, then Larry treated me to the new movie, Larry Crowne. I'm crazy about Tom Hanks, who starred, wrote, directed, and probably supplied the coffee and doughnuts, but it wasn't great. I find Julia Roberts tedious--seems to me she plays only Julie Roberts--but the supporting actors were great.
After, we had dinner at Sweet Tomatoes, one of those buffet restaurants. I thought it was better than most.
Okay, I'm signing off and going to bed; have to be up at 5:00. Goodbye, Miami, and your luscious heat--love ya, but I need to get back to my Jersey self.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...