Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Spent most of the day doing chores and running errands. Sliced up onions and sweet peppers, added garlic and oil, and cooked the concoction up in the small crock pot. Boy, is that good.
Called Marge, then stopped over for a chat. Brought her the slice of chocolate/orange/Kalila cake Susan had given me. She had baked it to take to her daughter's in Connecticut (will be gone until Friday). I appreciate her thoughtfulness, but dare not start on the sugar thing. Marge is very thin and can use the calories.
Went to Shop-Rite for blueberries and was incensed to see they wanted $3.99 a pint! Left them on the shelf and got them from B & B for $1.88.
Late in the day, drove over to Smithville and bought a rotisserie chicken. Had some for dinner and will eat off it (horrid expression) for a few more days.
Called sister Betty and we had a good talk. She's working today on Jimmie Leeds Road; I'd like to meet her there, but am taking sister-in-law Regina out for lunch, so will be in Buena. Will skip the three-mile exercise yet again--soon I'll be lolling around in my bathrobe all day...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...