Sunday, December 05, 2010

What a neat day! However, the first part was...uh, strange. After getting slightly lost by following Google's cockamamie directions to Trenton, I made it to Classic Books only a few minutes late. Was surprised to hear we were going to rehearse the long version of Karen's play, not the short. However, no prob, we read twice. The other three actors are very nice. They're Yolanda, a radio announcer; Shaaron (yes, two "a"s), the only other one with acting experience; and John, a retired psychiatrist (I kid you not). I was taken aback to be told we were doing the long version--essentially just four l-o-o-n-g monologues--but we did it twice and I guess it's okay. Whether anybody will see it is questionable, I think, as there were no customers that I could see it the bookshop, but it'll be an experience.
On my way home, stopped up north and was delighted to be invited to a tree-lighting. Accepted with pleasure and, after helping bring over some snow gear to the boys, we met again at 6:00. It was bitterly cold, but we were all bundled up and the boys had their pictures taken with Santa and Mrs. Claus, who came along on a fire engine (seems to be a trend).
After, we all went back to the house to enjoy a delicious dinner which the lady of the house had pulled together at the last minute: chicken, pasta, string beans and asparagus, along with a yummy mix of shrimp, tomato, black olives, and capers. I relished all of it, then said goodbye, as it was already almost 8:00 and I had a long drive home.
Wonderful day, wonderful season, and there's more to come.
Just called son Mike on Skype to wish him happy birthday. Saw him and the adorable little girls. Discussed my upcoming trip to Asia, which he'll arrange for me. Can't wait!
WIDER: Other activities? Oh, I was pleased to write out a check for Wilileaks to help with the defense fund. Will mail it off tomorrow. I'm doing it by paper check instead of electronically because I want everybody who sees or handles it to know what side I'm on.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...