Friday, December 10, 2010

Went to the LETCO meeting last night and found myself elected to the Board of Trustees! Ho, ho, that isn't as impressive as it sounds: So were six other members and we didn't exactly "run"--it was by acclimation.
No matter, I'm fine with it, especially as I'm not on the executive committee (pres., vp, treas., sec.). There does seem to be a new breath of life in the group. We now have a board member who has experience in grant writing, for instance and, as with anything else in this tired old world, money is essential for operations.
Earlier, I went to Produce Junction to get a Christmas wreath for the grave. It's fresh, of course--I don't do artificial--and is on a stand. I put it just behind the headstone and it looks good. Removed the dead stalks of the mums; they should revive next spring. Was charmed to find the top half of a broken ceramic blue jay which, cognizant of Pat's enjoyment of birds, I anchored in dirt next to the stone. (My friend, Mary Ann, would regard that as some kind of supernatural message, but I don't go that way.)
Christmas tour and yet another lunch today.

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