Monday, December 13, 2010

Had just started this entry, when I was interrupted by a Skype call from Mike. He was working on my reservations, called P. while we talked and check dates with him and--yay! My reservationss are confirmed! I leave in early February and come back near the end. So exciting and now I must start planning the packing, etc. Hmm...well, I will after I get back from California in January.
Enjoyed the Christmas show in Trenton Last night. All four of the boys, plus the other two grandchildren, plus various family members went. It was presented as a radio show and included lots of singing, various skits and jokes, and of course, Santa at the end. The older boys were attentive, the younger ones not so much, but all enjoyed it generarlly.
We drove after to view an spectacularly decorated house with thousands upon thousands of lights synchronized to go on and off to music that you could access with your car radio. Great show.
Decided not to stay over, although it was raining hard and dark, but made it home okay. Nothing scheudled for today, so I want to get some chores done around here, run errands, and generally stay on the straight and narrow after a week of lunches, shows, and other great stuff.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...