Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hey, the reading came out better than I had expected it would. There were roughly twenty people there. Sounds like a very small number, but the venue was so tiny, it filled up the place. The four actors read--I did okay, I think--then writer/director Karen led a discussion session. I was amazed to find we were walking out of there at 1:30--great!
Marilyn and I then went to the big Mastoris Diner at the intersection of Routes 206 and 130. I hadn't been there for years and greatly enjoyed it. We stayed for two hours, talking and laughing and once in a while, crying a bit. She's looking at her first Christmas and New Year in 27 years without Sam.
When we parted, I was delighted to realize I was only a quarter mile or so from Farnsworth Avenue, where my dentist office is. That meant I was able to go down 296 and get home in about an hour and a few.
After settling, I watched the first part of Doubt, which I had been anxious to see. In truth, I was a bit disappointed in it. I think Meryl Streep played her character as just too unrelievedly awful and the young nun was pretty enough to be a--well, movie star. I've known a lotta nuns in my time and, believe me, none (sorry!) look like that.
However, Philip Seymour Hoffman played a priest superbly. As a kid, I knew a lot of priests, too, and his portrayal was spot-on.
Got a cam call from adorable Violet and her Daddy and saw a bit of Vivian. Darling, precious kids--can't wait to see them.
Just now, got a call from P. and N. and had a good chat, ranging from Okinawa to the incredibly difficult Japanese language--or combination of languages, really.
Must go--time for our walk.

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