Friday, December 24, 2010

Turned out to be a dazzlingly good day. Got up finally feeling tiptop and had an odd, but I think, good breakfast of half a piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter, a banana, and a glass of grapefruit juice. Phone call from doctor's office asking if we could come at 2:00 instead of 4:30--yes! Ellen and I tidied up, then I jumped in the shower and carefully selected my outfit to--I hoped--optimize my appearance of good health. Dressed in deep purple with the terrific scarf Susan gave me, put on makeup, wore my new boots and hey--not half bad, if I say it myself.
Got to Northfield in plenty of time, saw the doc and he gave me a clean bill of health. Said no problem with flying and as I was walking out of his office, he made my daym saying, "I can't believe you're (age)." Well, hey, no need to get in the car after that because I was walking on air.
Ellen and I then went to various places for last-minute gifts, then drove up north for an impromptu dinner with that contingent, including big J. and all four boys, but not N., who was working. We drove to Manchester to a diner and all had what they wanted. J. and R. had waffles, J., Jr. simply ordered a piece of banana creme pie and adorable little T. saw a picture of a fruit salad on the menu and had that. He wasn't crazy about the grapefruit, insisting it was "too hot," which I'm sure meant "sour."
After, Ellen and I went back to the house and saw a sweet video of the boys, big J., and Mike making and decorating cookies. It was made on Saturday, the 18th, and was dedocated to Mimi--that's me--and her speedy recovery. Each of the darling kids wished me to get better--what a wonderful thing to have!
Good fun and we got home after 9:00. Went to bed soon after and slept soundly.
Am going to try walking this morning--I feel just about over the hump. Still have another gift or two to buy--well, I have plenty of time--and all of them to wrap, but I'll get it done with my wonderful daughter with me.
Later: I walked! Regular route--a mile and a half--at regular, very brisk pace and boy, was it good. To top it off, Susan presented me with a pair of what can only be described as wooly lower-leg warmers that look like something sheered off a sheep. She has white, she gave me black, and do we look silly in them, but so what, they're nice and warm and I'm sure we're now the envy of the neighborhood.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...