Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Nothing going on yesterday except I got my hair cut and colored. Shopped for veggies. Baked sweet potatoes and ate two. Cut up green peppers and put them in the slow cooker with onions and garlic; will save for dinner tonight or whatever. Talked to Mary S. about various aspects of The Breeze.
Women's Club luncheon this afternoon. This evening, I'm going to an (adult) "A Christmas Carol" presentation at the library, to which the D.'s invited me. Sounds like fun. Talked to P. and N. about my February trip and got an e-mail from Mike, who's making the arrangements, thank heavens.
WIDER: In all the millions and billions and trillions of words written about the Wikileaks thing, not a single one has suggested the information is fabricated. Naturally, the big guns, loaded with dirty little innuendos, were wheeled in by big government (assisted by big media, of course) and aimed at Assange and his condom use. But, correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't seen a breath or a sigh or a gasp to the effect that what was released is bogus.
Just something to contemplate...
And a further thought: Seems to me having Assange surrender to authorities was a stroke of brilliance, especially as he's been denied bail. He's a hell of a lot safer incarcerated than at large, where an "accident" could take him out. This must have the U.S. and its allies tearing their hair. Hey, we'll take anything we can get to annoy and chip away at the empire and its minions.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...