Friday, September 24, 2010

Ran lots of errands, then spent hours on Picasa, my new favorite toy. I'm glad I was able to get the pictures on here, but I'm afraid to delete the superfluous one of Pat and me, which is too big and fuzzy. When I press "delete," it seems to indicate that not only will it be deleted on the blog, but will go off Picasa, too. Probably not so, but I don't want to chance it.
Love the mosaics I was able to make of the children, grandchildren, and others. Picasa will just bring up "faces" and there are thousands of them on my computer. Then you can group them, plus it identifies the same people and suggests you add them.
Fascinating--and just a tad scary, too. Kinda reminds me of my uneasiness when I give my name over the phone and the person on the other end instantly mentions my phone number. Presumably, my address (and, for all I know, my preference in ice cream) is also in the bulging data banks.
Susan I will walk at 6:45 today, as her daughter and granddaughter are visiting. I'll then go to exercise, then to the dentist at two, then dinner at the G.'s at 5:30--busy day.
Note: This is so damn annoying: The print here has reverted to "small" without my consent or instruction--hope I can enlarge it.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

The big one is not fuzzy on my computer...looks fine.
iPhoto with Apple lets you do those things with photos. It is fascinating to me how the computer identifies who is who once it gets enough photos of that person.
Have fun


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