Thursday, September 30, 2010

Finally out of my slump and had a good day yesterday. I had moodily contemplated skipping the three-mile exercise, but decided to go. I should always remember that with my persona, purposeful activity is essential to feeling good.
After breakfast, peeled, cut, and put in the large crock pot, red cabbage and apples. Did the same for sweet potatoes and, along with cinnamon and orange mango juice, put them in the small one. Phone-chatted with my friend, Marge, then took off for Atlantic County.
I confess I'm hopelessly decadent and here's the proof: I prefer arugula to all other greens. However, it's not easy to find in this--let's face it, semi-rural backwater at the edge of the Jersey pines. They do have it at M & M Produce in Egg Harbor, so went there and got two bags. Stopped at Shop-Rite and got four mums--so beautiful and full, two deep purple, two white with yellow centers. Put the latter on Pat's grave and came home with the other two. This galvanized me to pull weeds, which I did for what seemed like several hours (maybe 45 minutes), stopping long enough to chat with Leslie and Barbara D. I put the little scarecrow girl next to the front tree and added the mums to the flower bed. Trimmed some of the other stuff and discarded the dead container flowers. Place looks pretty nice, if I say it myself.
Had the cabbage and salad with tuna for dinner, then jumped in the shower. Good, satisfying day and I know it was because I refused to stay still.
This morning, P. and N. called about 5:45, just as I finished dressing, and we had a nice chat. Discussed my plans for the February Asia trip and so on. Met Susan, of course, for our walk at 7:00 and as we completed it. neighbor Anne Mary called us over. She gave us each a nice group of different types of tomatoes--brown, purple, and red. With the arugula, they'll make a sumptuous salad--hey, I'm on a roll!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...