Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lent out the transport chair in the morning and interviewed the H.'s for The Breeze in the afternoon. I spent much of the rest of the day writing up the piece, as I find it much, much easier to compose "Profiles"as soon as possible after I talk to the subjects.* Organized the "Classified" column and added a little article called "Family Traditions." Thought it would be a cute idea to describe some of our customs and ask other residents to contribute theirs.
Got a call from sister Betty, who told me brother Frank had had an episode of rapid heart beat and was also told he has COPD. Can't figure that one out and neither can Frank, whom I called. He seems recovered though, and he and Marybeth were to leave for Baltimore shortly after we talked. I'll see them in Avalon on Monday.
* I understand it was said of Shakespeare "He never blotted a line," meaning that what he wrote came out pristine and he had no need to change or revise. (Ben Jonson took exception to this adoring remark, saying "Would he had blotted a thousand."). Far from following in his footsteps, I invariably find anything I write stronger and better when I write, put aside, read over, revise, tighten, clarify--and continue this process several times over until I have to relinquish the piece. I wish some of our designated "writers" (yes, I MEAN those exasperated quote marks!) for The Breeze would do the same.


iloveac said...

I meant to ask this earlier, but forgot. How are the 'subjects' selected for interview? Can folks ask to be interviewed? I think it is a wonderful way to learn some interesting stories about the folks 'up on the hill' so to speak.
Our condo area is one fifth the size of yours and we do have a small paper, but it is very basic. I'm going to suggest interviews such as yours. I also like your new column on traditions. Before you know it you'll be getting hired on as a feature writer for the AC Press. Have a wonderful visit to Avalon....September is my favorite time to be at the shore....although anytime is great.

Mimi said...

Believe me, Pat, the last thing in the world I'd want to do is to write for the A.C. Press. I wrote for a monthly paper for several years and when you get paid for it, it's no longer fun, but a chore.
I usually select the interviewees, but am glad to have other residents suggest. If you'd like to see an issue of The Breeze, here's the web site:
If that doesn't work, just put in Senior Publishing NJ. On first page on left, click on "community papers"; on the next, click on "Sunrise Bay" on the upper right. I have articles on the 15th and 16 pages ("Man On the Beach" and "Blowin' In The Wind").

iloveac said...

I'm impressed with The Breeze. Sunrise Bay is quite a community with lots happenin'.
No need for folks to go on trips...everything is right there. Great photo of you at the Gould mansion. Of course I thoroughly enjoyed your bio on Mildred...written so that I felt I was there during the interview...I now know Mildred. The 'Man on the beach' was chilling. I bet you never will forget that experience. Thanks for sharing the link.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...