Monday, September 20, 2010

Enjoyed La Traviata at "Sunday At The Opera," run by my friend, Mary Ann V. It was the 1976 version, the lead sung by Beverly Sills. She played a whor--, prost--, call gir--, uh, lady of the night named Violetta, who dies in the end. Gawd, she was corseted to within an inch of her life and her lover, played by Henry Price looked to be about twenty years younger, but she pulled it off. Wonderful sets, sumptuous costumes, and great singing, I guess, although I'm afraid that stuff is lost on this musical illiterate.
After, went directly to the cemetery and watered the plants. Stopped at Shop-Rite in Galloway to see if they had the fifteen-calorie puffy things I like. They didn't and instead of driving directly home, I went to the other Shop-Rite in Manahawkin and got them.
Talked to Ellen on the web cam. She showed me the birthday card precious 6-year-old Vivian sent her--so darling, she drew a picture of Ellen and herself, along with birthday sentiments starting "Drae (that proves she did it herself!) Aunt Ellen..." How I'd love to see her and her little sister in December, but it looks as if it's not doable, I'm afraid.
Susan called to say she won't walk this morning, as she has a cold. Slept until 7:00 this morning--I'm getting downright decadent.
WIDER: See CommonDreams.Org for a truly unbelievable event in Pennsylvania:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...