Tuesday, September 28, 2010

On a dark and dreary day, drove over to Bob's Garden Center and got Hollytone to perk up the azaleas on Pat's grave. Applied it, then went to M & M for veggies. (That's in Northfield and is not to be confused with B &B in Little Egg.) It occurred to me that I rarely go to nearby Acme now. Buy fresh at produce places and at Shop-Rite for other things.
Continuing on my sad decline--just kidding, folks!--I went to the video store and picked up It's Complicated. Loved it. It's funny, plus it's set in Santa Barbara where my twin and niece live, plus it stars Meryl Streep and what's not to like about her? Watched it in the late afternoon when I should have been pulling weeds or something.
Received a call from the dentist's office to the effect that the lab promised my bridge will be in on the morning of October sixth. Made an appointment--I fervently hope, the last--for that afternoon.
Other than that, not much going on.
WIDER: Am continuing to read What Orwell Didn't Know, a collection of essays on the horrific surrender of mass media to corporate interests via corrupt politicians (oops, sorry, that's a redundancy).

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I thought 'It's Complicated' was a fun movie. It amazed me how Alec Baldwin could still look sexy with the excess adipose in his belly. The three of them...Streep, Martin and Baldwin were so good together. Loved it. Perfect for a rainy afternoon.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...