Thursday, July 29, 2010

Went to the Mary Kay demonstration at Noelle's and had a lot of fun. There were seven of us, which is about as many as you'd want, considering the time it takes for the rep to make each attendee up. I ordered a lipstick ($13.50, for cryin' out loud!) and a kind of pre-eye shadow powder. Hmm...I don't wear eye shadow, but everybody thought this looked nice on me, so I bought it for ten bucks. (Sales resistance--what's that?)
Anyway, I would have paid that much to be with the adorable little boys; all four were being babysat by the teenage sons of neighbors. J. was zooming around on his bike with a huge black helmet on his head and, after the demonstration, little T. came in, cheerfully eating cherries, his clothes were covered with the juice and red dye from Popsicles.
Got home about 5:30 and shortly received a call from the dentist's office. My appointment for today had to be postponed, as the bridge isn't satisfactory. Fine by me, as it gives me more time to prepare for my--TRIP TO ELLEN'S! Speaking of the dear girl, she e-mailed me that she had made us reservations in Palm Springs--yahoo!--what a great excursion to look forward to.
Of course, I meant "to which to look forward" (damn this English language!)
Wider: From Mary Ann Cary in U.S.News:
"Despite the fact that President Obama has tripled our troop presence in Afghanistan and the Democratic Congress approved $33 billion more for what is now America's longest-running war, there's been an eerie silence from the left--no 'die-ins,' no beating drums, no anti-Obama protesters dressed in skeleton costumes. No one protesting the president's every appearance.Maybe the antiwar left only protests when Republican presidents are in office. Maybe it's not about Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress. Maybe it was only about George Bush. Maybe for the antiwar left, it's not about pacifism or soldiers' lives or even what's in our national interest. Maybe it's just about Republicans."
Truer words were never written.
(Cary was a speechwriter for the aforenamed Bush, so can be assumed Conservative with a capital "C.," but as Herman Wouk once wrote, "Two and two makes four, even if Hitler says so.")

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...