Friday, July 16, 2010

Early on, I tried to get the picture of Mildred G. to Senior Publishing, but it would open only as a thumbnail and they couldn't use that. Called Mary S., then dropped off the chip to her so she could use a "flash" something-or-other to transfer.
Lunch with the G.'s, Julie, and Sophia went very well. Julie is a prominent caterer in Bridgeport, CT, so I felt a little trepidation about it, but she clearly enjoyed the meal and the company and so did I.
They left about 3:30 and I impulsively decided to do what I had done last week and called Betty, suggested dinner, packed up the remains, and hightailed it down to Ventnor. We ate al fresco on her porch, which was delightful with a light breeze. Walked over after to an ice cream place and got cones, then I took her back to my house for a visit.
We got home about 8:30 and Mary S. stopped in with the chip. Her husband, Don, had successfully sent it off in the proper size to Senior Publishing, I was glad to know. Mary stayed to chat for a half hour or so, then Betty and I retired to our boudoirs.
WIDER: A truly profound observation by Rob Payne at the blog "Dark Horse":
"When liberals are confronted with the facts surrounding Obama’s continuing culpability in mass murder they respond with a few sympathetic noises and quickly move on to another topic putting it all down to the harsh realities of reality. '
'Besides,” they say, 'Obama would be shot if he did the right thing.' This tells me two things. First, liberals are actually aware that Obama is a murderer but it doesn’t matter because he is a Democrat and the first Black man to be a president of the United States. Secondly, it tells me they don’t know who Obama is but then neither do the conservatives who see Obama as a Socialist and a Commie."
I've actually heard "liberals" express notions similar to this, along with "he's just waiting for the right time to end the wars" and "he would if he could, but the people around him won't let him" and so on and stupidly on.

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