Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Enjoyed an afternoon at the lake with the darling little boys. Earlier, I ran a whole bunch of errands in Manahawkin; bought a drink container with a spigot and filled it with lemonade. By the time I got to the lake, it had spilled and the whole bottom of the container was wet. I'll take it back and demand my money back. Also bought a big, but light, shovel for the kiddies and a ball that skips on water. J. got a kick out of that.
Got back about 5:30 and took a dip in the pool before I went home. There was nobody there, and you're not supposed to swim alone, but I did. Showered, ate, and relaxed for the night.
The rest of the day went downhill from then. I got a call from Ellen V., who's directing Blithe Spirit and she told me I wasn't cast. That's a big disappointment, but I'm going to be philosophical about it. There'll be other plays and I'll look forward to seeing if there are parts for me in them. Also, I'll can now turn to Plan B--travel.
Got an e-mail from Mike with a link to the camp Vivian attends. There's a wonderful picture of her on stilts, with her Daddy helping. I set it as background on this computer.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...