Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nicely varied day. Betty had a lot of business (rental) stuff to do, which she did while I followed my usual routine: 7 am walk and 9 am exercise group. After breakfast, I drove her to Manahawkin to a TD Bank (annoyingly, I didn't realize there's a branch a mile from home), then the post office. We then donned our bathing suits and went to the pool, which was heavenly.
While there I called Peg N. to see if she wanted to come over and see the CD of Steel Magnolias. I was sorry to hear she has some health issues and wouldn't be able to come. Will call her next week or so.
After the pool, showers, and lunch, Betty and I settled down to watch the first scene of Magnolia, which is about an hour long. She enjoyed it, but I suggested to see the rest after a hiatus. She wanted to pick some things up at a dollar store, so I drove her back to Manahawkin and we both bought stuff. Once back, we watched the rest of the show, then I took her back to Ventnor. Neither of us were hungry for dinner and I wanted to get home before dark, so I stayed for just a few minutes, then left; home by 8:30. Betty asked me to come down tomorrow, as our niece, her husband, and his son are coming, but I think I'll try to schedule something else.
An excursion to the Philiadelphia Zoo had been planned for today, but it may have to be postponed: It's raining and the little somebody (J.) whose birthday it had been for, was sick yesterday. I may go up north for the day anyway--but, I'm afraid, the lake is out--it's raining.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...