Monday, July 12, 2010

It was so much fun to have my dear niece, her Jim, their Jeremy, and his Catherine for lunch and beyond! They got here a little late, about 2:30, but no matter. I served up a nice summer meal and they just ate it up--literally and figuratively, of course. Jeremy wanted to watch the final of the World Cup, so I encouraged him to take his platter into the living room; Catherine kind of went back and forth. After a time, the rest of us adjourned there and watched the finish. They stayed until about 5:30, then set off for Suffern, where they live.
Not content with an end to the socializing, I called Betty to see what she was doing for dinner. Not a thing, so I packed up the remains of the day (loved that movie) and zipped down there to share. Enjoyed dinner with her, Steve, Robyn, and Dexter, and didn't get home until after 9:00.
Only snag in the day was that my brakes started making a grinding noise while I was there. Robyn--who, incredibly, knows about these things--said I needed to get the brake pads changed. Darn, I have an interview with Mildred G. scheduled for 10:00 and a dentist appointment at 2:00. I'll take it to Mastercraft, but need somebody to pick me up. Susan's company is coming today, so I hate to ask her, but I'll see if she can make it.
WIDER: There's a great piece on so-called "health care reform" by Chris Hedges at Truthdig.Com which includes this:
“'They named this legislation the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and as the tradition of this nation goes, any words they put into the name of a piece of legislation means the opposite,' said single-payer activist Dr. Margaret Flowers...'"
Hoo-boy, does that say it all--and not only about this particular obscenity of a bill. Here's the link to the article:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...