Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Went to B.J.'s and got a lot of paper products. Stopped at Kohl's and Wal-Mart for various. Puttered around here and there, had lunch, then went to the cemetery. I was charmed to see three pine cones arranged at Pat's grave. I'm sure Sue put them there; she's the sister of Joe S., who died at 53 in March. I'm meeting her for lunch tomorrow, so will thank her.
Stopped at Santori's on the way back for cabbage, tomatoes, and cauliflower. Other than all that, when I was watching my 45 minutes of television last evening, Susan called to alert me to a rainbow in the east. I ran outside to see it--beautiful! Went back to get my umbrella (we finally got six drops of rain) and just stood looking at it.
Today, I have an 8:30 doctor's appointment, then will meet sister Betty and friends for lunch.
WIDER: Reading the McChrystal thing in Rolling Stone, one can only turn to cliches: It's life imitating art. McC. is the epitome of the boorish, animalistic monstrosity renowned in fiction for centuries. He's a veritable machine who eats only one meal a day, runs a daily seven miles, and hates and despises all things cultured, refined, civilized, gentle, and compassionate--all the best in human nature, that is. He'll meet with Obama--who surely, it seems to me, has a made-to-order scenario to prop up his macho image (it was drooping a bit there) and will fire him. The fact that McC. is such a frigging cartoon hides the larger truth: that the true monstrosity and that of all the other generals and politicians and war-lovers is that they practice or support killing people.
Just that.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...