Friday, June 11, 2010

Busy, busy, full, and enjoyable day. The Breeze meeting at 10:00 went well and it looks as if the July issue will be very good. Home from there, I jumped in the shower, then grabbed a bite (Brussels sprouts, half a can of tuna, and blueberries), dressed and was picked up by Joan O. for my sub stint at the Food Pantry.
Joan lives a few streets away and is a very nice, kind person. She's from north Jersey and it's hard--oh, so hard--for me to accept that dreadful accent, which she has in spades. I do, though, because she's a nice lady and has had her share of grief.
We had lots of "customers," so the day went quickly. It was fun to receive the people and give them food. Mostly, older women came in alone, many of them caring for grandchildren, but there were some families. One was a complete couple: a young man, woman, and little girl. We were told the man "just got back from Iraq," and boy, did that set up some emotional questioning in me. He just got back from slaughter patrol and now he can't support his family? He toiled in the service of corporate America, yet he can't find a job? Won't they hire him after they used him up and tossed his aside? I wonder if he and his young wife realize he was sold a bill of goods. Okay, I'll stop.
Got home about 4:15 to find a lovely note from Holy Spirit's Sue W. She wrote about how she felt such a closeness to me, considering our loved ones buried so near to each other. I must write her back and would like to see more of her. Drove over to the cemetery--just felt like it. Got home in time to have a bite, then freshen up for the reading at 7:00.
This was great fun. I was assigned two roles--at the maid and "Baby Girl"--and we went through Who Shot The Sheriff?, an original comedy by Casey B. (to my knowledge, the only African-American member of our theatre company). We critiqued it after and oh, how great it was to go outside my usual range of things and discuss how to construct and improve a play. We finished about 9:30, but not before Ellen V. and I made a date to meet for lunch on Monday.
Overall, a very satisfying and enjoyable day.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...