Friday, June 25, 2010

It was a surprise day that turned out pretty good. Early on, I got an e-mail from Sue, with whom I was supposed to lunch, asking if we could postpone, as she had a medical emergency. I know she's had some serious stuff going on, so of course, understood; we set a new date for next Wednesday.
I had received a notice from the NJ Pinelands Preservation Commission about a presentation called "Flying With Emilio," to be held at its location in Pemberton. With the afternoon open, I decided to go to that, and did.
Emilio Carranza was a Mexican pilot, sometimes called "The Mexican Lindbergh," who was on a good will tour of the U.S. in July, 1928. On his way to New York, he was killed when his light plane went down in a thunderstorm in the dense woods near Tabernacle, NJ. He was only twenty-two. There's a small monument of sandstone in a clearing near where he crashed; it was sent from Mexico in the thirties. I've been there several times, and have been intrigued by the story since I learned of it.
Every year since the accident--this will be the eighty-second--Mount Holly American Legion Post 11 holds a memorial at the site. I hope to go this year.
The video was interesting and included relatives of Carranza's, many of whom live in Texas, as well as the old men of the post who also spoke at the presentation.
As ever, I was torn between my admiration for these kindly people who honor one of a neighboring country's heroes, and abhorrence at the unthinking nationalism so evident in their talk and demeanor. Well, that's a dilemma I'm not going to solve very soon.
Got home about 4:00 and was going to go to the pool, but a terrific thunderstorm blew up (surely similar to the one that blew Emilio down), so I didn't. Made plans with sister Betty to go to the beach today, but I'm not sure if the weather's going to allow it.
WIDER: Of course, the big news of the day is McChrystal and his staff and his dirty mouth and his firing and so on, ho-hum. Every time I saw a picture of him, something kept buzzing around in my mind, but wouldn't stay still long enough for me to examine it. Then I saw one of him--I think at the White House--with a little, lopsided smile on his face and I realized: He looks like one of those crazed serial killers who dismember their victims and stow them behind the wainscoting.
Well, if the shoe fits...

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