Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Busy day. I went to Star of The Sea (church) for the viewing of old classmate Alfred Durney. Saw other high school friends there, including Mary, Charles and Janie H., and Alfred's sister and BIL, Mary and Charlie (yes, they all have the same names) P. Didn't stay for the mass, but decided to drop in on Dee G., at 15 S. Rosborough. Visited for a half hour or so with her and her friend, Rose. Rose urged me to get on and regaled me with the story of how she met her present (third) husband that way. Guess I'd rather do that than hang by my thumbs for three days, but it's not high up on my priority list.
Got home just barely in time to make it to Barb H.'s for Scrabble at 1:00. That took, as it always does, until 5:00 and it's getting to be somewhat of a bore. However, it's only twice a month and I don't know how to bow out of it gracefully, as the other three women are friends and neighbors of mine.
Impulsively got in the car and went to the cemetery. Watered flowers at both graves, as it's been so hot lately. The pansies have revived and the begonias look great, so I was glad I went.
Today, I must finish the article on the H.'s for the July issue of The Breeze, as deadline is only a few days away. Got the June issue and it looks good, although at least one article was left out.
Postscript: Through another blog, I just discovered a fascinating site called "Letters of Note: Correspondence Deserving Of A Wider Audience." Here's the address:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...