Monday, June 08, 2009

Sunny and warm. Went to Hand's and got--OH! I was just interrupted for a delightful reason! Singapore son Mike called on the web cam and I saw and talked to adorable Vivian and sweet Violet. The big news from Asia is that Vivian can ride a two-wheeler--without training wheels! Hey, for a little girl who's more than a month away from five, that's impressive.
Okay, back to my chronicle: Went to Hand's and got eight inpatients and a sunflower and planted them. Other than that, an ordinarily chore-filled day. Rehearsal tonight for the Surf City show; must hone up my Ivana lines.
Wider: Is there nothing we're told straight? According to Justin Raimondo, over at Anti-War.Com, our erstwhile secretary of state and the rubber-stamp media continue to obscure the true basis--and meaning--of the student "uprising" in China years ago. J.R. maintains that:
"It isn’t liberalism but a hard-line nationalism that continues to motivate the occasional student demonstration, such as occurred during the Hainan Island incident, in which a U.S. spy plane was forced down by a Chinese fighter pilot. The same nationalist sentiment that always seems to be boiling just beneath the surface of Chinese society was unleashed during protests after the "accidental" bombing of the Chinese embassy during the Kosovo war."
Of course, he doesn't simply state this, he writes chapter and verse to support it. The entire piece should be read, especially the opening. There, J.R. points out the scenario of the pot calling the kettle when Clinton piously chastises the Chinese for killing and detention. daughter-in-law left for Shanghai today. She regularly goes back and forth for work and doesn't seem to recognize the supposed moral inferiority of the Chinese as well as Clinton. Guess she's not the self-righteous type.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...