Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last night's rehearsal seemed somewhat of a shambles. We concentrated on the physical part--i.e. the murder and how to get Ivana off, and so on. Went over only the last half of the show, so the "hostess" (my role of last week, Ellen V.'s on Sunday) didn't even go at all. We're back at the hotel tonight and, although it isn't scheduled as a dress rehearsal (we won't have one), I'm going to wear my outfit to be sure there are no glitches in that area. I'm a little concerned about the fake blood--will it show up? Actually, this venue may be better when it comes to acoustics, than Cranberry Creek, but I have a much longer--and physically somewhat challenging--part.
--Great interruption: While I was reading another blog, I got a call from niece Chrissy's husband, Paul, on Skype. I didn't realize they had Skype, which he had just installed, and was delighted to see and hear him. They live in Germany--she's in the Foreign Service--and what fun to see and hear him. We had a nice chat and he directed the camera out the window to show me the surroundings. Chrissy was traveling, but will be back today and Paul will ask her to call/cam me. I love seeing people rather than just hearing them on the phone. What fun!

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