Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Handsome young doc came yesterday. As ever, it was at 9 am when Pat was still in bed. He adjusted the insulin slightly and the three of us talked about the skin cancers, of which he has various kinds, sizes, and degrees of seriousness. Pat (and I) have decided to simply let them go if they don't bother him too much, although we can put the Efudex on the forehead ones. I asked if Dr. Hottie would prescribe some kind of what I call a "mood elevator"--that is, an anti-depressant--and he did. Pat seems okay about taking it. I understand it's mild and sister Betty said it's often prescribed for older people. Betty called and we had a good chat.
A. came after work (school) to help me put the mulch in the front flower beds. It took only a short time, although it could have taken me an age, if I had be able to actually do it myself. I'm going to get more and she'll come again to get it down.
Got a message from P. and N. that they had tried to call several times on Skype, but never got me. Not sure why, but probably the computer was on and I just wasn't near it. Will look forward to seeing and hearing from them again.
Wider: From a very thought-provoking piece by Philip Giraldi called "Whence the Terror Hysteria? Follow the Money."on Anti-War.Com. It states in ghastly detail the money we're throwing down the rathole called "national defense" or "the war on terror," or some other Orwellian term and includes this simple truth:
"This huge war-driven economy is particularly difficult to comprehend given that the principal enemy is neither a foreign country nor a coalition of states. Contemporary terrorism is best describable as the tactic employed by a loosely wired political movement. There are no accurate statistics on how many terrorists there are in the world, but it is safe to assume that there are probably no more than several thousand Salafists, Islamic extremists who have an international agenda that makes them ideological foes of the United States and its allies."
Several thousand! Unimaginable amounts of money, enormous expenditures of time and thought, unbearable numbers of human sacrifices are all thrown in to combat these "several thousand!" In truth, perpetual war to enrich a handful of those at the top is what is in place.
Considering their rape and pillage of inhabitants of the world, those in the American war machine are the terrorists.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...