Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Aha! Found out that my dear twin, Betty, sent me the mug. I like it so much and it was such an unexpected surprise. Will think of her when I drink from it.
Spent a lot of yesterday working on the "Fatal Family Reunion" script. Still have to resolve it all in the last act, but will try to finish today. I'm supposed to send it to the rest of the company in preparation for our meeting tomorrow night.
Nothing much else going on around here.
Wider: I've always been interested by "Where Are They Now?" books and articles about people who have faded from public view after their time in the news. On Anti-War.Com, Philip Giraldi has an article called just that, in which he lets us know what the war criminals of the past administration are doing now. Without exception, the ones he names are living high off the hog, rolling in dough, heaped with honors, and--many of them--spreading their filth to the younger generation as college faculty. Yes, Giraldi very properly contrasts this state of affairs to the Nuremberg trials. Here's his end piece:
"So yet again, no one is guilty and no one is punished. Everyone is, in fact, richly rewarded for their dedication to their country. Can there be any wonder why ambitious people who are ethically challenged flock to start wars and torture for Uncle Sam? It is because they know they will never be held accountable for anything they do and will reap the financial rewards that they think they deserve. Until that culture is eradicated by something like a Nuremberg trial, the United States will continue to be a place that the rest of the world quite rightly regards as preaching respect for laws and values while rewarding just the opposite."

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...