Wednesday, May 13, 2009

When I got up at 5:00 am, I wrote up the stuff I did yesterday, pressed "publish post" and was informed Blogger was down. Too bad, as it was DEATHLESS PROSE that would have changed the whole history of the world and led to cures for cancer and obesity. I'm too lazy to do it over--it was full of rants and resentment, anyway--so I'll just type in the high points: I bought an all-weather wicker furniture set at Boscov's for the front porch and we had rehearsal last night. Have the same tonight and tomorrow, too.
Wrote that earlier, but took three paragraphs to do it.


Jim Wetzel said...

Mimi, I'm sure it was deathless prose, and I feel cheated out of it by our Blogger friends. Take my advice (I'm not using it!): open up Notepad and type your post there, and copy it. Then go the Blogger, hit "new post," and paste. That way, when the treacherous Blogger tries to do you wrong, you can just laugh, go back to your Notepad window, and do a "save as."

Of course, I'm glad you got new wicker furniture, and I bet the rehearsal went well. But I still miss the "rants and resentment."

Mimi said...

Ho, ho, Jim, you like the rants? You're just a renegrade like me. Fear not, my grouchy self will be back tomorrow--I hope.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...