Friday, May 29, 2009

Now we're getting down to the wire with the mystery theatre. I did both my parts last night, which wasn't ideal, but the woman who's playing the psychic next Saturday is away. It was certainly good for me to get more experienced in that part. I'll be glad to get the CC over with, so I can concentrate on the Surf City one. We met first at the Cranberry Creek clubhouse to see the venue. I had been there before, and it's laid out much like our clubhouse, so that was okay.
Other than that, it was an ordinary, run errands/do wash day.
Wider: It seems to me the Internet nurtures an amazing array of superior thinkers and writers. Among them is William Grigg. Today, on his blog, Pro Libertate, he has a closely-reasoned piece in his usual elegant prose about those in the military. Here's just a tiny snippet:
"Given the pervasive stench of imperial corruption exuded by all of our public institutions, I cannot understand how anybody possessing the moral equivalent of the sense of smell could enlist in the military, or remain therein -- as if that particular organization enjoys some peculiar immunity from the decadence that afflicts the rest of the Regime."
Mr. Grigg brings out the excellent point that we call foreign soldiers who remove themselves from the ranks of our enemies "defectors" and we champion their moves. Yet, with our usual two-faced attitude, we heap shame on U.S. soldiers when they "desert."
For all the nauseating, state-directed reverence for combatants (always assuming, of course, that they're on "our side"), we need to remember what they really are: hired killers.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...