Sunday, May 10, 2009

Glorious, brilliantly-streaming, soul-satisfying sunshine! I met Pat's bay buddy, John, at his clubhouse yesterday to see the venue where I'm performing in the mystery theatre on June 6. It seems adequate. John then asked me back to his house to see his wife's artwork (mediocre) and their house (large, awkwardly laid out,and drearily decorated). They have a horrible little Schnauzer which growled and bared its teeth at me; no children and seemingly, no senses of humor. (Oh, quit being so critical, Mimi!)
John came back to our house to visit with Pat and I served them tea, then went off to the supermarket. Got back and saw Susan outside gardening, so went over to chat. She was--gasp!--going to throw away seven or eight pansy plants to make room for begonias. I asked if I could have them instead and planted them around the tree in the front.
Mike and adorable granddaughters called on the cam and I loved seeing them and hearing Vivian's bright, imaginative, non-stop talk, as well as little Violet's gurgles and giggles. For Mother's Day, Mike had sent me a beautiful pot of fragrant Freesia which, according to the brochure, "are prized for their soft, ambrosial, almost fruity scent." He always orders from Calyx Flowers. It seems to me that, although they're dreadfully pricey, they're about the best, as my flowers and plants have always arrived in perfect condition and have invariably been beautiful and hardy.
Talked to A. and we agreed we'd simply call out for dinner today, Mother's Day or not. It will be very casual, just the four of us, but nevertheless, I'm aware today and every waking moment, of my great good fortune in having the family I do.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...