Saturday, May 02, 2009

Well, the display window at the library wasn't cleared of the 16 million penguins, after all. I got there--car loaded with my Dionne Quintuplet stuff--just after it opened at 10:00 and they were still there. I'm afraid I didn't react too docilely to being unable to set up my display. I was worried about getting stuff wet, as it was raining on and off, but with the help of two library people, got it inside. Library person called the penguin person, who wasn't home. We agreed I'd come back at 1:30 and, if she had to, library person would remove them herself.
I did, she did, and I started to set up. However, in the middle of my labors, the penguin person came in, loudly objecting to having her penguins removed and even berating me. I just shrugged--shut up, idiot--and went on with my arranging.
The display looks pretty good, if I say it myself. Went back later to take pictures; if I knew how, I'd post one here and on Facebook.
Little Gem Section: Well, here's a beauty by one of my favorites, William Blake:
How do you know but ev'ry Bird that cuts the airy way
Is an immense world of delight, clos'd by your senses five?
Yes, yes, that's poetry and I love it.

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