Sunday, May 31, 2009

Productive day. When I got home from our walk, I found the "Topsy-Turvey" tomato grower on the ground for the second time. Only half filled with dirt, it was too heavy even for the large shepherd's crook. I gave up, took it out of the damn thing, and planted it. I'm now trying to find somebody to give the "Topsy-Turvey" to, as it's more trouble than it's worth.
Weeded the rest of one side of the house, and half of the back. Hope I can continue my momentum and finish. Changed the bed and took the big blanket to the Laundromat, which necessitated three trips for washing, drying, and picking up.
Went to the library and dismantled my Dionne Quintuplet display (it was only to be for the month of May). Was pleased that two employees expressed interest and asked questions about the quints. Got the stuff back in the garage, so the guest room is less cluttered (although I still have to clear that up more).
At the library, I picked up the book I had requested with the script of Hedda Gabbler which the theatre company is doing in November. I'm thinking about trying out for the role of the aunt. Read it and also found it on YouTube and watched the entire play. This was a 1963 television production starring Ingrid Bergman; I was enthralled. She was 48 years old at the time, but played a young married and pulled it off with ease. As with Meryl Streep, when Bergman is on the screen, you can't look anywhere else. Michael Redman was excellent as her husband, although I thought Trevor Howard was horribly miscast. Not only did he look too old for Ingrid--and anything but seductive--but he was physically wrong for the part. Ingrid was a big woman, tall and big-boned, and he was short and slight. They simply didn't go together. Actually, it would have worked better if the the two actors had switched roles, as Redman seemed a lot more attractive and was bigger than Bergman. (However, I was never asked my opinion although my casting expertise is legend....)
Anyway, a busy, but good day, helped along by the glorious blue skies and sunshine.
Wider: There's a wonderful post via the blog "A Tiny Revolution" that appeared in The Village Voice. It's a list of 15 reasons explaining why _______ hates _________ and it's FAB-YOU-OUS. Funny, yes, but perfectly and eerily accurate. Here's the link:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...