Friday, February 06, 2009

What a feeling of accomplishment! I spent several hours clearing out the closet in the guest room and moving the children's toys to the other side. My whole back seat is loaded with things I'm going to take down to the thrift store and the trash container is half filled with the precious artifacts I couldn't part with for years. I still have plenty of stuff, but this has galvanized me and I want to continue my clean-out, throw-out rampage before I lose my momentum.
Got a lovely note from darling Vivian, along with passport pictures of her, baby sister, Mommy, and Dad. Mike included two calendars, one from Singapore Air and the other from the Mandarin Oriental--both are unique and beautiful.
Today, four friends and I are taking Julie L. to lunch for her birthday. It will be tricky getting Pat up at 11:00, then settling him in by 12:30, but he agreed I can go. I made Julie a card, and composed a verse, each line of which starts with the first letter of her name. I used to do this a lot and it's a fun challenge, as it must scan correctly, too. This turned out pretty good, starting with
J oin in the celebration
U nder these balloons,
L et's all sing the birthday song,
I t's a merry tune.
E verybody sing out now...
And so on, through her last name.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...