Sunday, February 15, 2009

We had "a fun day," as the kids used to say and the birthday party was so good. Nephew Stephen arrived first, about 2:00 and he, Pat, and I had a good chat. Just after, Susan brought over an "extra" Boston cream pie and Pat and Steve polished off a slice each along with a cup of tea.
Steve hadn't been here before and he liked the house. He and I walked to the clubhouse (one of the few sights to see in our little community) and had a good talk.
The rest of the gang came later, A. with her delicious scalloped potatoes, and Joel and Jen with precious little Tristan and friend Jason, whom we were happy to see. Joelly was at a birthday party, so didn't make ours--oh, the social life of a six-year-old.
We were sorry that Donna was unable to come. She had called earlier and, unfortunately, had a fever and sore throat. We may see her tomorrow, though.
The food was great, if I immodestly say it myself. I barbecued ribs in two crock pots and a vegetarian pasta dish in another. Also served the casserole I make often: eggplant, fresh tomatoes, and onions with Italian seasoning. The scalloped potatoes, a big salad, and banana bread completed the meal, along with, naturally, the mocha chocolate birthday cake I made. We all got a laugh out of the fact it was "misshapen" (I had been in tears over that when I took it out of the oven), but hey, everybody loved it as the weird configuration didn't affect the taste.
After dinner, Pat opened his presents. He got a lot of nice stuff, including a spiffy black lambs wool sweater from our darling daughter-in-law's parents and a wooden bird feeder from Jason. Mike called just to wish his Dad a good one. He called not on the web cam, but on the phone, as he and Paula had stayed overnight at a new hotel.
A fine day, with all the components of my favorite times: good food, a child or two to run around messing up the house (and Tristan's a pro!), and first, last, and foremost, of course, the company of those I love.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...