Sunday, February 01, 2009

High point of Saturday was Dennis calling to remind me to get a new filter for the furnace so he can install it. Otherwise, just nothing going on. Very bored. Anxious for spring.
Wider: "Truthdig" has a very provocative article by Robert Fisk called "When Did We Stop Caring About Civilian Deaths?" He writes:
"I wonder if we are “normalising” war. It’s not just that Israel has yet again got away with the killing of hundreds of children in Gaza...we seem to have lost the sense of immorality that should accompany conflict and violence. The BBC’s refusal to handle an advertisement for Palestinian aid was highly instructive. It was the BBC’s “impartiality” that might be called into question. In other words, the protection of an institution was more important than the lives of children. War was a spectator sport whose careful monitoring – rather like a football match, even though the Middle East is a bloody tragedy – assumed precedence over human suffering."
But see the whole article at

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...