Sunday, February 22, 2009

Managed to get to Manahawkin early and go to WW, pick up my prescription sunglasses, get groceries, and duplicate the pictures of Pat's family my SIL sent. Will send to all four children. Other than that, domestic chores were the order of the day.
I continue to hone my monologue for the Acting Workshop. Decided to emphasize the idea of poor "Maurya" going from rage against fate, to deep sorrow, to helpless resignation after losing six sons to the sea. Hope this is what Desi had in mind in his direction--he purposely wasn't too clear and wanted me to work it out on my own.
Wider: An essay worth reading by C.J. Maloney appears in Lew Rockwell.Com. It's called "Grasping At Flotsam" and starts with this gem:
"Despite never having been much for political participation of any sort, there I was this past presidential Election Day, accompanied by my wife, throwing my vote down a Third Party’s hopeless maw. In my mind, voting is to politics as pro-wrestling is to sports: an amusing farce, enlivened with empty boasts and the occasional skull-cracking chair."
Love that phrase about throwing your vote down the "hopeless maw" of a third party. It's just what I did, too, after the Biden selection. That was more than a clue, it meant the game was up and we could all just forget the anti-war dream. How "liberals" can continue to blindly believe in O. is beyond me.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...