Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our guests went back up to the old homestead yesterday, so P. could show N. where he grew up. After, they went to Popcorn Park Zoo and saw all the rescued animals, which N. loves.
A. came after school (it was Presidents' Day, but they started late, so it was in session) and she and I went for a walk of about 3 miles. Very cold, but a good workout. When we got back, P. and N. were here. I had bought salmon and made a fresh loaf of banana bread. I served that, along with scrapple* and eggs for Pat. This was topped off with three-fourths of a cherry pie Susan brought over, so we had a nice, satisfying--if over-caloried--dinner.
We'll take Pat to the dermatologist this afternoon. Hope we can somehow get the new lesions treated without great difficulty, but I doubt very much if that's going to be possible.
*The Spellcheck doesn't recognize "scrapple!" It wants me to write "scruple"--ha! Must be all those effete snobs from the Bay area, not good 'ol Philly guys and gals.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...