Monday, July 28, 2008

Yay, I now have a microwave! Had my good ol' popcorn with my wine last night. However, I not going to use the "popcorn" button, as it left too many kernels unpopped. Will go back to putting it in for 2 minutes, 45 seconds. Was able to cook my butternut squash, too. I actually don't know how without the microwave. I just pierce it (very important; otherwise it can burst) and put it in for five minutes to soften, then split it in half lengthwise, remove the seeds, turn upside down on a plate, and microwave for another five minutes or so. I do acorn squash the same way.
It's trite to mention, I know, but it's amazing how quickly and thoroughly we get to rely on conveniences. After all, when I was married, microwaves for everyday use didn't exist. For that matter, I didn't have a plug-in coffee maker at the time. I used an old-fashioned coffeepot with a strainer. After the water came to a boil, I had to lower the heat as much as possible so it would "perk," but wouldn't boil over. I could never get it low enough, so I'd balance the damn thing halfway off the grate over the fire ring. Wasn't very efficient and frankly, coffee with my Krupps coffeemaker tastes a lot better.

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