Monday, July 14, 2008

I've been thinking about this blog and have decided to end it in its present form.
I started it almost three years ago as a general "diary," then switched to a weight loss/food blog, changing the name to "My Weight And Welcome To It." After a time, I reverted back. I might resume it to concentrate on health, fitness, and nutrition; not sure.
Since my few horribly bad days with Lyme Disease (only last week), it occurred to me that I want to slightly re-shape my daily schedule. I want to stay up somewhat later and get up later. I've been springing up around 5:00 everyday (then conking out before 9:00) and that gave me two hours before my walk with Susan. I had plenty of time to check my e-mail, make an entry in the blog (and they got longer and longer, and more and more detailed), and read a lot of the NYTimes on-line.
The blog began to seem more and more like an obligation. It's true that I sometimes re-read earlier entries and enjoy--but also find creepy--the sensation that I'm reading about somebody else's life, but it takes a lot of time and some effort. Also, being more introverted than might be evident here, I've had a life-long tendency to "hide" in books and the land of the mind. I want to live more and contemplate less.
Now here's a weird--but major--blog-dropping reason: I've gotten to the point of, in a way, "watching" myself do things and in my head, laying things out in prose for entry in the blog. This has become automatic and it's disconcerting. It's something like being an avid photographer, which I am. The problem with that is, when you're "recording" something in either form, you become oddly removed from the experience--at least, that's true in my case. When lines to describe it are forming into my brain, I'm not participating fully in an activity. Only later, when I look at the pictures (in photos or prose), do I seem to fully "be there." That's a sloppy explanation, but the best I can do.
Anyway, I'm stopping now. I may resume--tomorrow, next week, in 2012--with some other configuration, probably on the topics mentioned above.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I had a feeling you were heading in that direction. I, for one, will miss my daily dose of Mimi's musings. Some blogs are boring...I never found yours to be so. But, if it isn't working for you....that's what matters.

I follow along with your explanation about photography...and I've often thought that about folks with video cameras....they are always viewing the present experience thru a lens. However, with a are recording a past have lived it. I think there is a big difference.
Please keep in touch...let me know from time to time how you are doing. I often wonder about Betty and Dee.....the blog was an easy way to keep up.
I will keep checking to see if you've changed your mind.
I"ll miss you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...