Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee--
One clover and a bee,
And revery,
The revery alone will do
If bees are few.

Yes, I've decided to make this a recipe/food/nutrition/fitness blog, the first recipe being Emily's exquisite one above.
Here's another, for cooking fresh beets:
Wash thoroughly and trim, cutting off roots, but leaving about one inch of "stalk" on. Make pouch of foil and drizzle with a little oil (optional). Roast at 400 deg. for about an hour, or until to desired softness. Cool slightly, then slip off skin and remove rest of stalk. Slice or cut into chunks.
When still warm, these have a wonderful, very subtle difference from canned beets, not as much after cooling, but they're still good. I use few sauces, but for a variation, a little vinegar splashed over them is good.
(Note: When you next perform your bodily functions, don't be misled into believing you have a kidney problem. Remember the beets.)

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