Saturday, July 19, 2008

The other half of my weight loss/fitness saga: exercise. I joined an outdoor club and participate in hikes, mostly through the pine barrens that cover a lot of southern Jersey. I've gone on 5, 6, 7, and 10 miles hikes, all of which have been wonderfully invigorating and interesting. Our hikes tend to vary according to the terrain--sometimes on blacktop, mostly on trails, often over bridges and through swampy areas. Flora is sometimes pointed out and identified by the leaders, as they're often very knowledgeable about the forest.
Mind you, I don't recommend hiking or other outdoor activities as the be-all and end-all of exercise. It's essential to follow a consistant, daily routine. Every morning at 7:00, I stop for my friend and neighbor, Susan, and we follow a mile and a half loop around our community. We don't stroll--we walk briskly enough to make some effort--but we're able to continue chatting as we do. Mind you, we expect to go every day. Once in a while, one of us will be unable to go or to complete the whole circuit because we have an early appointment or are out of town. That's okay, as long as it's only an occasional gap, and it always is. Otherwise, it's just an ordinary part of our day--winter, summer, rain, or shine, we walk.
Aside from that, I never, never watch television during the day. I'm much more tempted by the computer and try to sit here only in the morning and maybe, before dinner's ready.
Gotta go; it's 7 am and time to walk.
Later: Got weighed (at Weight Watchers) and was surprised to find I've lost another 1.8. That means I weigh 127.8 and am down 71.8 pounds. I was sick (I'm being treated for Lyme Disease and am still on antibiotics) last week and couldn't eat for 2 1/2 days. That could be it, but now I'm going to decide if I want to lose more, if so, how much, and/or how to maintain without gaining.
Still Later: Drove to Egg Harbor to participate in a two-mile "Peace Pilgrim" walk. Enjoyed it greatly and was pleased that about 100 people walked.

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