Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yesterday, I filled the entire car except for my seat with boxes of Christmas stuff, drove to Ventnor to the eBay place, and found they wouldn't accept any of it because it isn't name brand and each piece or group of pieces wasn't worth $50. Well, what the hey--at least I won't be agonizing over not getting it there early enough. Will now go through it, separate what I want to keep, and donate the rest to Habitat for Humanity or another thrift store.
After Ventnor, went to the hospital, but Pat and I had a tiff (as they used to say in the 20's and 30's) and I stormed out. Later, went back and--well, we didn't exactly "make up," but got along a little better. What a drag and who will rescue me from this durance vile? (Always wanted to use that line.)
Jack B. called after I got home, asking about Pat and said he was golfing at Atlantis today and may stop over.
Assume I'll be picking Pat up today after my own doctor's appointment, so this latest crisis is, I guess, history.
LATER: Today, I picked Pat up close to 3:00. I had called him earlier and was waiting for a call from him or the doctor. He said both tried, but the line was busy. What? I wasn't on the phone. Actually, it worked out pretty well, though. I went to my doctor, then unpacked the car and got some Christmas stuff put up, as well as separated out what I want to donate. My doc had called me in because my cholesterol is up--the bad is up, that is, and the good down. She had the nerve to say she wants me to lose weight and said she'd give me until March, then will prescribe medication. Don't want to take it, so will try hard to keep the calories down. After I told her I had had scarring on my esophogus (this idiot site check doesn't know how to spell it either), she said my cough is likely from--believe it or not--acid reflux, although I didn't have symptoms. Said the lungs are clear and when I told her I have to cough because I have a tickle in my throat, she mentioned allergies or the aforesaid. She prescribed Nexium, another medication I don't want to take, but may. I'm going to check the Nexium my cousin-in-law, Ed K. of Cincinnati gave me several years to see if it's out of date. Hmm...just checked and it's actually Previcid (which shouldn't make any difference) and it says to discard after some date in 2004. I wonder if they're serious. One of the big reasons I hate to take these things is because I despise the commercials and know I'm paying big premiums for their advertising. Doc also discussed the pain I've been having in my neck and into my head. I think it's from the computer screen being over to the right and she said, stress (what stress? I ain't got no lousy stress) probably contributes to it, so to consciously relax my neck, etc.
Anyway, life is back to normal--until the next crises, I guess.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...