Sunday, November 26, 2006

Pat much improved, although there's some worry now about his blood sugar, as the steroid (Prednisone) he's getting for the pneumonia makes it go very high. His endocrinologist was in to see him and has adjusted his insulin--hope that brings it down.
Pat was able to wash and shave in the bathroom yesterday, then change his pajama pants (he refuses to wear those stupid hospital gowns) and tee shirt. That sweet guy, Ray, came to visit and Pat and he sat in chairs (I on the bed) while we had a great time reminiscing about our parochial school days--Ray in Jersey City, Pat and I in Ventnor.
I left the hospital about 3:30, then went to Linens 'n' Things to get mattress covers for the guest room. God forbid those delicate flowers from Singapore should have to endure the mattresses uncovered...
We're still going to celebrate Alison's birthday today. She had wanted to take everything to the hospital so Pat could be there, but he didn't think that was feasible, so we'll go to her house. Yesterday, I wrapped her presents and baked her a mocha cake; will ice it today, then bring it and all the leftovers from Thanksgiving--hope there's enough for everybody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got two words for you... "Screw you and the horse you rode in on."

'Delicate Flowers...' Just trying to put some distance between ourselves and those death beds.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...