Monday, November 06, 2006

Question: What constitutes the scum of the earth?
Answer: Politicians.
ALL of them, D.'s or R.'s--and, I assume, S's. and C.'s and all the other snakes in the grass--are lying, thieving scoundrels that would take candies from babies if it would get them a vote.
In the past two days, we've gotten more than a dozen taped "phone calls" from various and sundry such monsters of both parties. Incredibly, they've also penetrated the Internet. Just now as I was into The Times of Trenton on-line, I was assaulted with not only a visual pop-up, but an audio one urging me to vote for one of the candidates in Jersey.
May they all be sentenced to performing charitible acts for their constituents at least once a year without expecting anything in return. Well, no, come to think of it, that's too cruel and unusual a punishment for politicians. Then, let them refrain from "truthiness" (my favorite made-up word) for at least one hour a decade. Huh, who am I kidding? That would be impossible for any politician--born low-lifes and thieving bastards all.
With that off my chest:
Looking forward to Alison coming down today. Talked to her after the race yesterday as she was boarding the volunteer's bus--Mike was on the runner's bus. She said Mike did very well--yay, Mike!--and will tell us all about it today.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to VOTE for Maynard B. Krebs in the 7th Congressional District on November 7th.

He CARES about you!

paid for by the MBK for Congress Committee.

iloveac said...

Do you have to approve all comments? I do on my blog.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...