Friday, November 17, 2006

Marge came over for tea and lemon squares yesterday after lunch, and we discussed the future of the Drama Club. She had some ideas that I think are great IF--and it's a big if--other members step up to the plate and contribute. Anyway, we directors meet December 13, but the whole group isn't scheduled until January, so we at least have some time to think about it.
Susan and Walter just got a new Forrester and a new cat. Former is red, latter is calico with a lot of white--really, one of the beautiful cats I've ever seen. Her name is "Cherise."
Finally got out the already-bought Christmas gifts and recorded them; did several washes, folded clothes, etc.--all the little things that seemed a bore a few years ago, but I actually enjoy now.
Otherwise, just picked up a few items at Acme and did this and that. Today, I MUST make the pies for Thanksgiving. I'll use Crisco for the crusts, then make the apple completely, but freeze unbaked. Think I'll freeze just the crust for the pumpkin, and fill the day before.
Hmm...guess I'd better buy a turkey, too, but first must try to rearrange the freezer, which won't be easy.


iloveac said...

I am amazed (and envious) how much cooking and baking you do from scratch. I guess you've had plenty of practice with your big family. Today, we bought two Mrs. Smith's pies pumpkin and one mince. I think she makes good pies. I haven't met anyone outside of NJ who likes Mince pie and for me it is a MUST. I note not even you are making Mince pie.
Wish we were coming to your house for Turkey day. Going to son and DILs..she's not much better at cooking than I.

Mimi said...

I actually like mince pie myself, but my mother never did and we never had it when I was a kid so it never occurred to me to make it as a adult. Anyway, ain't nuthin' wrong with Mrs. Smith.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...