Saturday, November 18, 2006

Great consternation on our street yesterday: It was believed that Susan and Walter's new kitty had run away while the cleaners were there. Before the FBI was called in, though, Cherise was found behind a mulch bag in the garage. Whew!
Made the crust for the pies and will complete apple today, then freeze unbaked. Will also freeze crust for pumpkin, and fill the day before.
Susan, Barb H., and I are going to the Tuckerton Historical Society's gathering today. It's an "old time food" affair, with foods and cookbooks from early times. Last year, we enjoyed it a lot and will bring our own this time. I have my mother's 1921 cookbook and will bring that, plus a corn pudding from a recipe Alison gave me. That's fudging (PUN!) a bit, but nothing in the book seemed appropriate.
I'm bringing the corn pudding in a portable casserole container I very cleverly got for free! When I was substitute teaching, I opened a special account in a bank different from where we have our other billions, specifically for my earnings from subbing. I figured I'd have a nice little cache that was mine, all mine, and when I got four or five thou, I'd use it for something special. Well, I stopped subbing last year when my account had grown to a breathtaking two hundred and sixteen bucks. It's been sitting there ever since doing nothing except pulling in interest for the bank BUT another bank just opened next to Acme and they're giving away premiums for opening new accounts, including the portable casserole holder. How I coveted it! Yes, I closed out the sub account and high-tailed it over there to open one with the new bank, then triumphantly walked out with the carrier, which I'll use to take the corn pudding to the Historical Society's affair. Am I not clever? Do you not think I should be designated Leading World Financier? Guess my son, Mike, who's in international banking, will be bragging to his colleagues about his Mummy's high-level dealings for some time now.
Speaking of the Singapore contingent, I got a call from adorable little Vivian last evening. She's talking more and more and they were on their way to yet another birthday party, this time at the zoo, for one of her little friends. Can't wait to see her at Christmas--oh, and her parents, too.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

iloveac: I'm a little vague about how the comment thing works, but see yesterday's entry for my comment on your comment.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...