Thursday, January 16, 2025


Did some packing, plus minor other chores. The SCAN Uber came for me at 1:30 and I got to Miramar Eye early. I was in for mere then an hour, mostly waiting for Dr. T. I didn't care, though, as the news was good: My eyes haven't worsened to a great degree, although I knew the right had for a time. 

Decided to walk to the transit center from there, as I needed exercise and it's not much more than a mile. As I passed Zak Dental, I noticed it was dark and there was a sign on the door. It said they were closed because of a power outage. This has been happening all over Ventura for several days, as the electric company shuts down parts that could be problematic. Darn, I hope it doesn't happen here. 

Bused home, stopping first at the computer place to ask if there was any way I could avoid leaving the laptop for three days. Tyler, the manger, said yes and we agreed I'd bring it on Tuesday and it should be done that day. That means I'll have to postpone lunch with Noreen; I'll call her today. Called Zak to change my appointment from today to next Tuesday.   

Must still finish packing, get my train tickets, and call the Access Van to take me to the train station pick me up on Monday.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...