Saturday, January 18, 2025


 A day unlike any other--and not in a good way....

The Access Van picked me up at 8:15 and got me to the train station at in plenty of time for the 9:38 train. I was a little surprised when it came in early, but a worker got off and, to be sure, I asked if it stopped at Solana Beach. He said yes, so I boarded. I was on business class and was offered coffee and a roll by the same man. Sure thing and I settled in to enjoy it and the scenery. We rolled into Carpinteria and I got a tad concerned--a conductor came through and I asked if we were going in the direction of San Diego... No. I had gotten on the wrong train.

Long  story short: I got off at Santa Barbara, told the station master my problem, he refunded my $122.00 and charged me only twenty bucks to go coach. I called niece Carolyn, she picked up and took me home for lunch, then took me back to the station for the 1:45 train. Got to Salona Beach at 7:15 and Duane picked me up. Together with his lady, Ani, and her father, who is staying with them, and Duane's daughter, Jasmine, 23, we visited over cranberry wine. 

We are all staying there, so you'd think five people would be a crowd, but no. Duane's house is so gigantic, we each had a room and our own bath. I slept pretty well, but not perfectly. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...