Wednesday, January 15, 2025


An interesting day, enhanced by a new friend: Esther and I had intended to meet in town for lunch, but she called me about 10:00 to offer to pick me up. Sure thing. And how about we go to Wood Ranch, which is much closer than Rice By Mama? Hey, fine by me, and that's what we did. 

I had a wonderful time with Esther. She's 79,  a former nun (Immaculate Mary), now married (to Jerome, who's Jewish), and with two daughters, one of whom is gay. She told me much, much more of her life story and here's an account of one of the most fascinating parts:

This brought back to me the turmoil that resulted from Vatican II, a generation before. In fact, my favorite teacher at Holy Spirit, Sister Gabriel, left the convent, also.*  

It was 3:00 before we finally left (I had the Dudley House gathering later) and when she dropped me off, we hugged and vowed to see more of each other. As Suzanne and others kept urging, I actually gathered together a "rescue bag" with essentials in case the fire, which is still raging, comes this way (unlikely, I hope). Along with my brief case with important papers, I had it at the ready. 

I then prepared for the Dudley House covered dish. I had debated with myself whether to actually take it, but decided I would. I renamed it  (I wish I had thought of "failed lemon squares")** and made up a card to accompany it:

The Access Van picked me up at 5:30 and dropped me off at Dudley House much too early--I had to wait for Lynne to get there and unlock. However, it was only a few minutes, and I helped her set up.

There were about 25 there, almost in all the upper reaches of adulthood (😁) and, incredibly, a few older than I am. The speaker, Jill Dolan, is with the Ojai theatre and we sat together for a bit and chatted. As I do with people who interest me, I gave her my card. Did the same with Carole, who said we had met before, but I didn't remember. Jill gave a slide presentation on the history of some of the old trees in Plaza Park. To be perfectly honest, it wasn't Oscar caliber and I got restless sitting so long.  Anyway, it was finally over and I helped Lynne and others clean up, then was finally driven home to get in at the ungodly hour of 9:30! Didn't watch my usual TV, but went right to bed. Unfortunately, I had difficulty sleeping, possibly because I'm apprehensive about my eye doctor appointment this afternoon.

Earlier, I had knocked these boring chores off my list: Did a color wash; called Cheryl to tell her no T.O.P.S. for me this week; again called HEARX for an appointment; closed my account and SO-FI Bank and $34.20 is now mine--wow! 

*Anyone interested in my search for Sister Gabriel, please see the April 3, 2007 entry on this blog--eighteen years ago!  There are also several other entries about her after that date. 

** To my great surprise, a number of people raved about it and it was gone by the end of the evening.


Anonymous said...

Geez, I hope you don’t have to use that rescue bag…hurry up and move back here. I think I’d like Esther too. The article was quite interesting. In VA Beach I was involved with the Daughters of Wisdom who also no longer live in convents and drink beer and everything else. I loved being with them. The Trinitarians out of Philadelphia were also wonderful women who lived ‘in the world'. They operated in Pensacola. Both of these groups were influential on my development. When I mentioned them to Sr. Gabriel…she said to be ‘careful’ of those groups….I think she was still supporting the ‘old school’ even though she’d left the convent herself.

Mimi said...

Wow, I had never heard of those groups, Pat. Esther told me a lot more of her life, but for privacy reasons, I don't want to put them on the blog. One of these days, we'll have to chat on the phone and I'll fill you in. Maybe when I get back from San Diego>?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...