Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Looking the wrong way (which is appropriate for me, considering my original train trip to Encinitas), I got into Ventura yesterday at 1:03 and was picked up and taken home. Stopped into Suzanne's to see if any packages had arrived and chatted with her for a few. Unpacked and, although I was pretty tired, called Gayle to ask if she'd pick me up for dinner with Soaring Spirits. She would and she did, along with new member Kathy. There were ten of us and we had a good time, as ever. Vera took me home, then resuming my old routine, I watched Frasier for an hour. Fell into bed and had a good deep sleep until the alarm rang at 7:00.

That was yesterday, Monday. The plan for today to take my laptop and printer over to UBreakItWefix this morning, then go to see Jim. Tomorrow, we go to Santa Barbara. I was sorry to have to call Noreen and, yet again, have to cancel our lunch date, but she was okay with it and we'll catch up later. 

As for my trip, it was fabulous. I have lots of pictures and, of course, a narrative, but unfortunately, I don't think I can sort them out now.  U:nfortunately, I had failed the bring the charging or wiring for the laptop and it died, so I couldn't write as I went along. I'm just going to have to sort it out later.  

In the meantime, he-e-e-r-r-e-e's Sally!


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...